Hi, I am a backend developer (Java/Moqui) and i was tasked to develop the bots at my company.
As a developer i find it nonsensical to use the online tool to do any development for the bots.
You lose too much. Git diff is one of the things i miss.
Also, a lot of inconveniences pop up, Any undo (ctrl+z) is done silently. I can’t see where it is happening in the code or if it even happened. Same goes for accidental drag-and-drops.
Most of all, I hate that all variables are global, lack of methods (yes, i know that bots are supposed to be the methods). The cherry on top is that i can’t write complex expressions in a single line. no lambdas…. Drag and drop assignments. The fact that my work is lost if i let the session timeout for any reason.
In all it is a bad experience for me.
My question is: Is there a way to write bots directly in an IDE?
A VSCode plugin for example….
And why is it not exposed in the first place. The result of the bot clearly has to be compiled/interpreted into intermediary language to be executed on the machine by the client.