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How can i delete file from IQBot server by its id and project_id using api request?
I tried to use some endpoints
Method DELETE: {{url}}/IQBot/gateway/learning-instances/PROJECT_ID/files/fileid/FILE_ID
Method DELETE: {{url}}/IQBot/gateway/organizations/1/projects/PROJECT_ID/files/FILE_ID
But it doesn’t work

Hi @alan_kozhamberdiyev

Please review the log files of IQ bot and provide more details about the error in-order to assist.


Thank you. 

Hi @ravi.pothana

It's not a mistake. I know that you can delete files using the iq bot, but my task is to delete a file using its id by using a REST request, i know there is a action in an iq bot to delete all files from the server while downloading them to the local device. So my question is "is there a way to find a an API Endpoint that the iq bot is using and use it in a request to delete one of the files or any other way to delete the files while not using the iq bot,only through requests to the server". Additional note "I don't have the API Endpoint"

Hi @alan_kozhamberdiyev

Please review the log files of IQ bot and provide more details about the error in-order to assist.


Thank you. 

I tried to use this source for an example.
