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Data Table Merge Action Adds a Blank Row

  • 20 June 2024
  • 1 reply

We are downloading a report from SAP where the data set is so large it has to be broken up into 3-4 reports. We are fetching the report in a loop where we put the data into a temp data table, then merge it into the main data table.

What we are finding is that on the first merge a blank row is added to the main data table at the end of the data set. Subsequent merges do not add more blank rows but push the blank row to the bottom. Our assumption is that the subsequent merges are happening at the correct position as there are no blanks rows in the middle.

We are curious if this is by design or if this is a bug? We are having difficulty looping this data table since the last row contains no data and we are having to find blank rows, delete them etc. before working with the data.

1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +8

If you do a merge between a populated table and an undefined table, the Merge action will first create the schema in the undefined table based on the defined table, therefore creating a blank row. This is by design. SOLUTION: Determine if the table has data or has columns defined. If it is empty then use the Assign action, if it is populated use the merge action. This solves the problem
