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Customer is using Azure Virtual Desktops as a runner machine . And it’s username for the device is ( contains “@“ character as it’s on Azure) . When they try to execute bot as unattended it gives error for device credntial.

  • 9 November 2022
  • 6 replies

Currently we are running bots by keeping the runner devices open . We cannot log off the session after execution as Bot unable to Autologin due to "@" character issue in Device username.


Please help here

Hello @Aman Dubey​  Will you try setting the Autologin device credentials in CR as 'DomainName\Username' format?

Hi Sajith,


It is Azure Cloud Virtual Machines Login and Usernames are in EmailID format.

@Aman Dubey​ Could you run 'whoami' in the command prompt in the cloud VM and see in which format you get the username.

Hence at current state we have to keep the VDI open and then run the Bots with Domain/Usename.

But we want to logoff Device after every Process Execution but currently we are using setting Keep the system Open.


Hi Sajith, @Sajith Sudhakaran​ 

Domain/Username is working only when the Azure VDI is OPen. If VDI is not open then it need actual username (Contains "@") but Bot not accepting "@" symbol in Device username Field.

Hope I am able to explain the issue.

Once we log off the VDI, is it still up and running? Are we using NonPersistent or Persistent VDI?
