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Critical: Schedule in sandbox not working after what appeared to be maintenance in sandbox

  • 15 December 2022
  • 6 replies

Not sure which sandbox I am using but yesterday our dev control room schedule jobs stop running. Running bots from control room ton the bot runner works fine however the one schedule are not even triggered and nothing shows up in the history. Trying to view the schedule jobs or trying to schedule one takes forever to get the screen (like 10 min) and can either result in a “generic.server.exception” message or new schedule job has no effect whatsoever.


Any help appreciated has this is severly impacting our progress.

Hi @Rock 1490, you version is on premisses or cloud?  Anyway, I recommend looking at the audit tab, if nothing appears, I recommend opening a ticket

Everything back to normal now.

It’s on cloud. Not much in the audit tab overnight but a few resulting from me trying to schedule some bots. Here are some message I got resulting from my attempts to schedule some bots:

  1. Cannot set USER_SPECIFIC device as default device for user with UnAttended license
  2. Schedule misfired.

Do you have a link for opening a ticket?  Not needed now but would be useful for next time.

Everything back to normal now.

It’s on cloud. Not much in the audit tab overnight but a few resulting from me trying to schedule some bots. Here are some message I got resulting from my attempts to schedule some bots:

  1. Cannot set USER_SPECIFIC device as default device for user with UnAttended license
  2. Schedule misfired.

Do you have a link for opening a ticket?  Not needed now but would be useful for next time.

Hi @Rock 1490 

Once you login to community, scroll down you will find an option called Support  for creating enhancement or support requests with AA.



Alternately, you may use the direct URL below.

Dear @Rock 1490,


It sounds like you are having trouble with the scheduling of jobs in the dev control room. If the scheduled jobs are not running and nothing is showing up in the history, there could be a number of reasons for this. Some possible causes could include:

  • The scheduling system is not running or has crashed
  • There is a problem with the connection to the scheduling system
  • The scheduled jobs are not properly configured or are using incorrect settings
  • There is a problem with the bots themselves, such as a coding error or incorrect input data

To troubleshoot this issue, you may need to check the logs and settings of the scheduling system to see if there are any errors or issues that are preventing the jobs from running. You can also try manually running the bots from the control room to see if they are working properly. If you are still having trouble, you may need to contact the manufacturer or a technical support team for assistance.

In addition, if it is taking a long time to view the schedule jobs or to schedule a new job, this could be due to a problem with the control room itself. It may be necessary to restart the control room or to clear the cache to resolve this issue. Again, if you are unable to resolve the problem on your own, you can try contacting the manufacturer or a technical support team for assistance.




Did not do anything and problem resolved itself. I strongly believe this was the result of the maintenance yesterday on the sandbox. It does mention that we should avoid running bots on schedule and my bots were on schedule but behaving erratically.
So not sure if something was adjusted for me on the server side but did not do anything on my side and problem is now gone.

Hi @Rock 1490 ,


You can check all the upcoming planned maintenance activity on the below link.


In addition, if you have subscribed to email notification, the same will be notified by mail as well. So that, you can plan yourself accordingly.
