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could not perform recorder function

  • 21 December 2022
  • 7 replies

I developed one bot which would use recorder function to capture one field in a website.

The bot has been running smoothly for months whereas beginning last month it could not perform the recorder action. Generally I could see the “red line” when performing recorder action.

And same result with another browser or another website. AA 360 reminded me that I have not installed or activated the extensions but obviously I have. Also I have tried following methods but no solution:

  • Remove the plug-in and add again;
  • Change the version of Recorder package;
  • Open another website and tried recorder function on another site;
  • Transfer to Chrome but similar window jumped out.

Could you please advise how to solve this?

7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @george 8836 ,


First kindly check your Browser zoom level and ensure that it is 100%. If that is already in place, then try after changing the Object Capturing technology in the Capture action.



Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @george 8836 

Can you change your screen resolution to 1366*768 and try to recapture the element?

Badge +1

Hi @george 8836 ,


First kindly check your Browser zoom level and ensure that it is 100%. If that is already in place, then try after changing the Object Capturing technology in the Capture action.



Thank you for the advice, actually the bot could recognize the element when I alter the Object Capturing Technology. 

But I still could not proceed the bot (it will remind me of not installing the plug-in), the bot would stop at the step where need to capture the field. The progress after changing the technology is at least the certain “action” could be created.

Badge +1

Hi @george 8836 

Can you change your screen resolution to 1366*768 and try to recapture the element?

thank you for the advice, unfortunately this could not solve the issue 😂

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @george 8836 ,


First kindly check your Browser zoom level and ensure that it is 100%. If that is already in place, then try after changing the Object Capturing technology in the Capture action.



Thank you for the advice, actually the bot could recognize the element when I alter the Object Capturing Technology. 

But I still could not proceed the bot (it will remind me of not installing the plug-in), the bot would stop at the step where need to capture the field. The progress after changing the technology is at least the certain “action” could be created.


Good to know that it worked out for you at least to some extent. Somehow, the Bot agent might not be detecting the browser plugin. In that case, you can try restarting the Automation Anywhere Bot Agent service to re-establish the communication between the Control room and Bot agent.

Else, you may re-install the Bot agent through Admin privilege.


Badge +2

Hi @george 8836 


Try clearing the cache of the browser and any temp files..then re install it


Try renaming the below location and create a new one with same name so that new files would be created for bot agent



If these does not work then completely remove the bot agent and re install as fresh(but again clear these locations before installing again



Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Dear @george 8836,


It sounds like you are experiencing an issue with the recorder function in Automation Anywhere 360. There could be several reasons why the recorder is not working as expected, such as a problem with the browser plugin or a conflict with other software on your system. Here are a few things you can try to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Make sure that the Automation Anywhere browser plugin is installed and activated in your browser. If the plugin is not installed or activated, the recorder may not work as expected.

  2. Make sure that you are using a supported browser. Automation Anywhere 360 supports the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. If you are using an unsupported browser, the recorder may not work as expected.

  3. Check if there are any other software programs running on your system that might be causing a conflict with the recorder. For example, certain security software or browser extensions can interfere with the recorder.

  4. Try restarting your computer and then opening the browser and Automation Anywhere 360. This can help to reset any temporary issues that might be causing the recorder to fail.

  5. If you have tried all of the above steps and the issue persists, you may need to contact Automation Anywhere support for further assistance.


