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Click on each page to extract data from we table

  • 17 August 2022
  • 6 replies

How can I capture data from each webpage where paging is there



Hi @Prankur Joshi​ 


Pagination is apply here, Using for loop and Capture the paging table set DOMXPath as pages run dynamically.



First, you need to build the logic to identify the number of pages on the webpage and navigate through all the pages- as I can see previous and next option has disable/enable function, you can utilize that to run in a loop till the object is available.


Now you can extract each table from the web page using the ID eg: \tablel1],\tablel2],..... which would be dynamic.



Kartheek T C

Thanks @chenchu kartheek Talahari​ for the reply.


However I have found a better way to do this, with while loop and object exists condition, it should work fine without worrying about how many pages are there.

Hi @Prankur Joshi​ ,


Try studying the Object Properties(Ctrl+Shift+I) of the Next Button.

There is a good chance that as soon as it reaches the last page, the button becomes Disabled.


You can use a Loop: While: Object Condition for the bot to keep iterating as long as the button is Active.


Kind Regards,

Ashwin A.K

Yes @Ashwin A.K​ I did, thank you for your reply.

Hello @PrankurJ , I am using while loop but it doesn’t extract the last datatable in the last page.
