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Capture command not working in unattended mode with Technology type MS_active_accessibility

Hi! I am facing a issue that all other capture actions are working in unattended mode only Capture action clicks whose Technology type is MS_active_accessibility are not working in unattended mode while its working in attended mode.



7 replies

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Kindly someone guide on this.

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@farrukh 3229 

1.- Check with another technology 

2.-Change Click by Left Click


3.-Verify if the web browser architecture (x86 or x64) in Record command is the same as used in origin Control Room. If not, please install the correct web browser architecture.

4.-Verify if the Automation Anywhere extension is the last available for the Control Room and for this web browser version. If not, update it.

5.-Check if you are using autologin or RDP approach.




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Thanks @Raul Jaimes for the response. I will check and get back.

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Hi @Raul Jaimes I don’t have change Technology option in my control room as showing in your screenshot, it is fixed to MS_Active_Accessibility. And Secondly I have tried left click also it is also working in attended mode, while all other captures are working fine in both attended and unattended mode, Only facing this issue with this capture in unattended mode.

While RDP and autologin settings are done as it guided in the link.

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If anyone know this issue please guide on it.


Hello @farrukh 3229 
Did you find any solution? I am also facing same issue with all 4 capture action it is working in attended mode but fails in unattended mode.
In webpage it is a button but while capturing it is not displayed as button.


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Hi @Karan.S4 

Please cross check the resolution of your attended machine and unattended machine and ensure both having same resolution.

Unattended failures may happen max due to this resolution issue.
