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Bug in Variable Watches - Debug?

  • 22 December 2022
  • 6 replies

Hey, I only have 31 variables but this says 32 of 31?  I’ve also noticed this is incorrect in other bots I’ve created?  Is this a bug?  If not what is the extra system variable that is being accounted for that is not visible?



Dear @Matt 7768,


It's possible that the extra variable being accounted for is a system variable that is not visible to you as the user. Automation Anywhere includes a number of system variables that are used to store information about the state of the automation, such as the current task execution status, the current task name, and so on. These system variables are not visible to the user, but they are included in the count of variables that are available for use in the automation.

It's also possible that there is a problem with the way the variable count is being displayed in the Automation Anywhere interface. If you think this might be the case, you may want to try contacting Automation Anywhere support for further assistance.



Hi @Matt 7768 

Interesting one, can you expand your variables and check which one is odd? May be there is a default Sample String variable which will come for all the bots.


I counted the variables one by one and there is not anything extra.  I find the variables you reference like SampleNumber and SampleString quite ridiculous.  The first thing I do when building a bot is delete these as they’re useless clutter.



Thanks for the response.  I thought it may be some kind of system variable as well.


After further review I think it was a bug.  I clicked the checkbox next to the variables and everything was checked but it said 31 of 31….. when I confirmed this pop up by clicking “Update” it updated the number to the correct count.


Hi @Matt 7768 

Please raise a support request with AA on this, you can find the support section in community pathfinder homepage in the bottom of the page.

I raised a support ticket regarding this issue: 01941535

I raised a support ticket regarding this issue: 01941535

Amazing @Matt 7768 Please share us the resolution it will be useful for everyone
