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Bots failing after update

  • 26 April 2022
  • 1 reply

I have multiple bots that are a main task with a login subtask.

This is across a couple of websites. These tasks call the login task first to login to a website then continue on to the main task.


However, after the latest control room update (4/5 days ago?) this has failed nearly all the time. After it logs in, it immediately hits a timeout error or an object cloning error.

Are there any solutions to this? Delays aren't working.


Example of the error I'm getting:

"The web page took too long to load. Increase wait time and try again."

But the web page is up and fully loaded.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10



Can you please try to recapture the same object again and try again.

Also please check if you are not using the latest recorder package version, please update to the latest and try again.

Also please try to add the delay inside the recorder command and try again.


If you have any questions please let me know.


Thank you,

Prabhakar Jha
