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Has anyone ever seen this error in the Audit Log when trying to use Bot Update to update package versions?


We couldn't update the package In name: We found an issue that prevents the bot from running. Search for 'preprocessing' on to find the most common causes and what to do about them.

  1. Unfortunately this error is not listed on that referenced docs website, which is why I’m reaching out here to the Community.
  2. For at least one of the bots, the only thing it was trying to update was the Recorder package from version 3.2.3 to 3.3.1.  The other bot had a lot of older package versions so it is more difficult to narrow that one down.

This was from Automation 360 build 26372.

Have you done a search on the forum? I know this has been asked multiple times in the past, with various steps leading to resolution. Here is just one example with a number of suggestions on fixing:


Yes, I searched specifically for “We couldn't update the package In name” but got 0 results in the forum.  This specific error is also not listed on the pre-processing page in Docs.
