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Bot minimizes page without being prompted

  • 15 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I currently have a robot that has functions to open dropbox → points to download images → skips past a login to straight download → save file. Currently the bot runs fine when accessed via controller to test, however the issue arises when scripting the bot server to run. The error occurs when the bot runs the first time and doesn’t repeat the error again when manually fixed and looped back over the same actions. The error is that the bought minimizes the screen to dropbox randomly, then can’t reopen the process. I tried to script a dALT DOWN]tTAB] error handler but no such luck. Please advise why the bot without a rule to minimize would minimize the screen.  

3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

Hi Bob,

To clarify, you’re seeing a different process when the bot is run from a bot creator account, than when it deployed to a bot runner via the control room Run As… command?

If that’s the case, there might be a slightly different environment between dev bot creator device, and the bot runner device. You may be able do code around that with an IF Window:window doesn’t exist’ command to try to then run an Window:Activate action to pull it back to the foreground

Let me know if I misinterpreted your question.

Badge +2

Hi Jon,

I tried switching it over to just capture the region in active window, this seemed to remedy my first issue. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +7

It might not be the bot minimizing, it might be Dropbox’s UI? You can try to contact to help troubleshoot this issue in your environment.
