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Bot is taking too much time to download additional resources while doing document extraction using A360 Document extraction. Is it take that much time in production.




Hi @ardra ,


Please find the below,

  • Decide on the scheduling interval for deploying this bot with a maximum interval of every thirty minutes.
  • Determine the average number of pages in the documents awaiting upload

This bot is necessary for end-to-end automation of the document extraction process. When deployed, the bot checks if there are enough Bot Runners to handle the documents, by comparing the number of files already uploaded against a calculated value. The calculation considers the number of Bot Runners, scheduling interval, and average number of pages in the documents.


To determine the number of Bot Runners needed, consider the following:

  • One Bot Runner can process a single-page document in one minute.
  • One Bot Runner can process a two-page documents in two minutes.
  • One Bot Runner can process 1440 single-page documents in one day.
  • Two Bot Runners can process two single-page documents in one minute.

Use this equation to determine how many Bot Runners are needed:

Number of Documents to Process per day * Average Number of Pages per document / 1440 = Number of Bot Runners


As an example, if you want to process 10,000 documents each day with an average of one page per document, you need seven Bot Runners:

10,000 documents * 1 page per document / 1440 = 7 Bot Runners


