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automation anywherev11

  • 4 November 2022
  • 2 replies

i am processing multiple excel file (file having candidate data) in sap screen if any error occured i need to skip current excel file and bot have to continue next file .(i have done with loop each file in folder and begin error handling and capturing error and given if condition if (status= failed ) bot have to stop current file have to move next file but some time it working properly some time it not working properly please anybody help me for that

Thanks ,


2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @pallavi hiremath​ ,


bot have to stop current file have to move next file but some time it working properly some time it not working


Could you please share what kinda error you're facing? Each time facing the same errors or differs ?



Thanks in advance!



Badge +1

image1image2My scenario is that one folder i am having multiple candidate excel file, from that excel file i am extracting data and entering in sap screen for that i have written code (first excel file having an issue sap screen will get error bot capture that error and closing current file and have to continue next iteration(next file) that error file storing in non posted in sap folder and successfully posted file will store in success folder.

But bot working properly some time if excel having any issue bot haven't to capturing the error and bot continuing next line and it is indicating somewhere else and also it is rotating same sap screen only.some issues excel file working bot fine but sometimes not working properly what is the issue if i have wrote code wrong or i am not getting .

I have attached my code screenshots please do find .


