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Below is the Body syntax of an API call for Bot Execution Orchestration (v3/activity/list) to return Completed jobs with StartDateTime greater than 3/23/24 17:43:53.373733600. Is it possible to write similar to return Completed jobs with StartDateTime greater than one hour ago (current time - 1 hour)? Could someone share sample syntax for that?


  "filter": {




            "operator": "eq",

            "value": "COMPLETED",

            "field": "status"



            "operator": "gt",

            "value": "2024-03-23T17:43:53.373733600Z",

            "field": "startDateTime"




  "sort": <


      "field": "startDateTime",

      "direction": "desc"



  "page": {

    "offset": 0,

    "length": 10



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