@Andrew Faulds : Based on the error code 66 of LDAP when there is a root above the computer / user you can't delete it . reference below
notAllowedOnNonLeaf (66)
Applicable operation types: delete, modify DN
The notAllowedOnNonLeaf result code indicates that the requested operation is only supported for leaf entries, but the targeted entry has one or more subordinates.
For a delete request, this indicates that the targeted entry has one or more subordinate entries. Under normal circumstances, a delete request is only allowed to remove leaf entries, although some servers may provide support for a control (like the one described in draft-armijo-ldap-treedelete) that allow removing an entry and all of its subordinates in a single request.
For a modify DN request, this indicates that the targeted entry has one or more subordinate entries and that the server does not support moving or renaming entries with subordinates. Some servers do support this capability, but others do not.
@Venkata Kancharla
Thanks for the post. Already had done a quick google on the error as I assumed it was an LDAP one. The question I have, is how do I work around this using the AA Delete computer action, or am I going to have to write a vbs to perform the deletion?