
Access denied. You do not have access to public files or folders.

  • 19 April 2022
  • 4 replies

Hi all, I'm unable to run/debug a bot. Attached the screenshot below.

Any idea on how to resolve this?



4 replies


I have followed the same steps.

When I click on "RUN"

I get the below attached message and the bot doesn't start


Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Ramya Shinde​ ,


Using Community edition, you can only view the user. However do not have privilege to create or edit the user.

You can create task and Run task from Private folder using Run option.


kindly follow the below steps to overcome the error while running the task:


1)From the Bot agent machine check the user name in CMD using whoami and update the user name with complete domain ie..domain\username in


image2)Remove and register the device locally ,add the extension to chrome and try to run the bot


Hope this helps!




Any idea on how to get this resolved???

same for me
