
About keystrokes in inactive desktop

  • 1 July 2022
  • 1 reply

Badge +7

hi team

i have a desktop named deskA, AA2019 developing in it, i created a notepad named windowA, then i run a bot sending keystrokes 'Hello World' in the windowA notepad.

  1. when the deskA is active status, the 'Hello World' char can be wirite to nodepad successfully.
  2. when i minimize or cut off deskA after running, the 'Hello World' char can not write to notepad now

how to fix the issue?

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hello @wang huadong​ 


Thank you for posting in the Automation Anywhere community forum.


  • As a recommendation to help resolve the issue, we request you to please use a "Window: Activate" command and select the required Notepad window title using the Application or the Variable options in the 'Window' settings for the "Window: Activate" command
  • Please use this command before the keystrokes command
  • This way, the window will be brought to focus before text is written to the file


Still, have doubts or need further clarifications? Please use the below link to create a Support Case and we will be glad to get in touch and assist further!


How to create a support case :
