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A360 IQ Bot learning instance backup not working for an instance where we have 1700 IQ bots… status still working even for 3 days….  any suggestions ?
The same learning instance in 11.3 IQ bot export working fine without any issue….
A360 learning instance is just converted from 11.3 using  migration tool nothing else on this instance… 

Hi @rbkadiyam ,

Have you tried the actions described in the KB article ?


@Raul Jaimes  This article is not helping as current configuration is greater than what mentioned in article  we have max file size and request size is 5GB where as here it was mentioned to update 1GB

@rbkadiyam ,

During the export, check the resources using by the process (cpu, ram and diskwritting(I/O) in order to identify if you have a bottleneck and increase resources if apply.

