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A360 If Condition Regex Match Does Not Work as I expected

  • 3 July 2023
  • 4 replies

Hey ALL!

I am building a bot on A360, and I need to insert a if conditon to see if a string starts with the number “8”. In the If module of A360, I selected Regex Tool → Regex Match is Found. And my regular expression is ^8 in the field of “Regex ”, which should be able to match any string that starts with 8. However, it does not work as I expected. For example, I tested 800000 using the logic shown below. However, I got the message 800000 does not start with 8. I am so confused. I appreciate it if anyone can help me out.


4 replies

Badge +4


I couldn’t see any options with Regex Match. Could you share the screenshot.



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I created a test bot that has the following logic. First I created a list with the above shown numbers. And I loop through the list, for each element in the list, I have the condition as below

This does not work as all the strings in the list are classified as “not starting with 8”.

Badge +4


We don’t have the option to match a string pattern like you have used in the code. 

There is an alternate way, you can give it a try. Use the String → Find action and add your regex pattern, select “A regular expression”  and the output will always be 1 if it matches otherwise it will be 0.


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It works! Thanks for solving my question.
