
A360 ChaptGPT package

  • 1 March 2023
  • 6 replies

Badge +2

I’m trying a simple bot with the newest OpenAI ChatGPT package published by AA. I just generated a new API key from my OpenAI account. I have everything set just like the screenshots in the bot store page, but continue to see the below error. Any help?




6 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hey @ArvindK - swap your credential to a insecure string and see if that works

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Thx @Micah.Smith, tried that too...same error. I should be pretty straight forward, really confusing why the error.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Im working off the assumption you’re using Community Edition - I was only able to replicate that same issue when I’d tried using the Credential Manager in Community….but when I moved the API key to insecure string, it worked fine.

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Yes, Community Edition it is. I see. I will generate a new key and try insecure string. Will keep you posted, thx

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Now it is a diff issue… 😥


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Changed account, got new API key, works ONLY when key is passed as insecure string, consistently fails when passed via the cred vault.

Thx much, @Micah.Smith!


