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Unable to connect to Google Sheet

Hello Everyone!! Hope all are doing fine.

I’m unable to connect to google sheet. Earlier it connected but now it’s showing that Unable to fetch credentials from offline store.

can someone please help me out with this.


7 replies

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Hello Everyone!! Hope all are doing fine.

I’m unable to connect to google sheet. Earlier it connected but now it’s showing that Unable to fetch credentials from offline store.

can someone please help me out with this.


@Padmakumar Can you please look into this.


Userlevel 5
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The error message 'Unable to fetch credentials from offline store' in an Automation Anywhere Bot when trying to connect to Google Sheets usually means that the credentials for the Google account used to connect to the sheet have expired or are invalid. To fix this, try re-authorizing the Google account in the Automation Anywhere Bot by following the steps in this guide:

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The error message 'Unable to fetch credentials from offline store' in an Automation Anywhere Bot when trying to connect to Google Sheets usually means that the credentials for the Google account used to connect to the sheet have expired or are invalid. To fix this, try re-authorizing the Google account in the Automation Anywhere Bot by following the steps in this guide:

I tried by creating new credentials, but it didn’t work

Badge +2

Hi @SaiRahul02 ,  You might also try updating the Google Sheets package to the latest version by clicking on the 3 dots in the top right corner of the task, going to “Packages”, and selecting the latest version of the Google Sheets package.  We were having this same issue for a while, but could not pinpoint the cause.  We updated the Google Sheets package to the latest version on a couple of our automations and it hasn’t happened since.  I’m not sure if they fixed something or if we just got lucky.


Just re-authorizing is not a good solution, because for us this was happening randomly about once a week causing our automations to fail.  I would argue that the authorization for the Google Sheets and Drive connect should be automatable as well, because it requires a manual human action to authorize which is not ideal for an “automation”.


You mentioned “creating new credentials” didn’t work.  Are you referring to Google API credentials or AA credentials?  It is not related to the AA credential vault in case that is what you were re-creating.  


The link @Micah.Smith suggested doesn’t open for me. I get a 404 page not found.  It’s also strange that the link says “enterprize-v11.3” so that’s from the old version, not A360.  Also strange that I can search the site for the error message or just google sheets connector and that article doesn’t come up.


To re-authorize you need to navigate to “C:\Users\[InsertUserNameHere]\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere\G-SuiteAuth\sheets” and delete the folder for that particular user/session…. Then next time you run it, it will prompt you for authorization again.  This should work, but again, this is not a great workaround, because it happened randomly for us, at the worst possible times, but try updating the Google Sheets package on the task.  We didn’t update the package on all of our automations, but when we updated the package on a couple, the issue just went away and we haven’t experienced that error in a month or two.


Hope this helps.  Good luck.

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Just an FYI.  This issue has reappeared for us after being gone for a couple months. We are trying to identify what could be the issue. 

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Hello, has anyone figured out a solution to this issue? I am running into the same problem. The google sheets connection is providing the same error as provided in the screenshot above.


Running bots “as admin” seems to have resolved this issue for us now for a few weeks
