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Recorder : capture command Issue

  • 20 November 2023
  • 3 replies

We have noticed that our bots fail when a capture command appears (Set text, Click, ect..). Previously, these bots had no issues. Can anyone assist in identifying the probable causes of these failures?

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Akitha.U ,


Here are some common reasons why capture Action (like Set Text, Click, etc.) might fail:


User Interface Changes:

  • If the application's user interface has changed, such as modifications to button labels, screen layouts, or the structure of the HTML elements in a web application, the existing automation commands may not locate the expected elements

Timing Issues:

  • Bots might fail if there are delays or changes in the timing required for certain actions. For example, if a bot attempts to click on an element before it is fully loaded, it can result in a failure

Selector Changes:

  • If the selectors used to identify UI elements in the automation commands are no longer valid due to changes in the application, the bot may not be able to locate the intended elements

Environment Changes:

  • Changes in the environment, such as screen resolution or the presence of additional pop-ups, can affect the execution of capture commands

Package Updates:

  • If there have been updates to the Automation Anywhere A360 platform, ensure that your bots are compatible with the latest version including the packages 


Please try the below troubleshooting steps,

Error Handling:

  • Review the error messages provided by Automation Anywhere A360 when the bot fails. These messages can often provide insights into the specific issue

Logging and Debugging:

  • Implement logging and debugging techniques in your bot to capture additional information during execution. This can help in identifying the specific step where the bot fails

If you have specific error messages or more details about the failure, it would be helpful for a more targeted analysis.




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@Tamil Arasu10  Thanks a lot.

Badge +2

@Tamil Arasu10 assume we have used recorder capture package version 2.0 but due to a package update it has been upgraded to 3.0 and that is selected automatically as the default package. would that be a reason for a sudden bot failure? if so what do you suggest as a solution?
