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recorder actions

  • 19 March 2024
  • 3 replies

I am gettinf the above error, even though the website is open in the new window while recording

3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Make sure the window title (which shows up in the tabs of modern browsers) matches EXACTLY. It might even be worth your while to refresh the window list in the Recorder: Capture and see what changed.

If your window title is dynamic, meaning it is changing slightly each time, consider using the * (asterisk) wildcard.

Badge +1

Make sure the window title (which shows up in the tabs of modern browsers) matches EXACTLY. It might even be worth your while to refresh the window list in the Recorder: Capture and see what changed.

If your window title is dynamic, meaning it is changing slightly each time, consider using the * (asterisk) wildcard.


Most of the time, this is the cause and solution

Userlevel 4
Badge +7
This worked fine. Sometimes trying small POC bots like this can help isolate the issue.

