Theissue of logging into Control Roompersists even after resetting the password from the reset link sent by "”
The same username-password works for other Automation Anywhere logins, but not this one. I re-tried "forgot password" but never received the link.
Can anyone suggest how to resolve this issue?
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Check with your IT department to see if they filtered the email. Have them allow-list emails from the domain.
Thank you for your suggestion. However, everything is controlled by Automation Anywhere, as I am using the community edition, and no specific IT department is involved.
I will try to open control room using community edition URL, but I am unable to open
I and I get error like site cannot reach could anyone please help me out
I am using mac iOS version and inside iOS I am also using parallel desktop for window but still pursing same error
please help me out its urgent need ,or suggested me how to resolve
That is an issue with the networking with Parallels. Please contact Parallel's technical support for issues with their software.
In the meantime, you can build automations (but not run them) on the macOS side of things in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. See if you can access CE from the Mac side. If you can't, then you have a good idea of where to start troubleshooting.
Same issue i am also facing with control room login after clicking on forgot password not receiving mail for reset.
surprisingly, after sending lot of mails to support team not even bothered asking to check with IT team.
Nothing is pending from IT team.
Can anyone suggest how to resolve this issue ASAP?
@jaya.jambhulkar Thanks for your patience, and apologies for the inconvenience. I have reached out to my team about this and will be following up with you as soon as there is an update.