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IS there is any issue with AA360 community edition ? i am getting error while connecting device after install AA BOT Agent. its connecting and suddenly disconnecting when i try to run BOT.

This issue is being reported over and over: you never know when and if A360 will work. I've just lost a prospect because the Agent Bot was unable to connect to the Control Room when I tried to show the POC I've prepared and tested a few hours before. Almost same thing happened a couple of weeks before.


The most scary thing is that sometimes IT WORKS! so it doesn't seem to be an installation, license, or a Bot problem. It's just Agent cannot connect and we don't know why. Is there some log where I could investigate further what's going on?

firstly uninstall the existing automation anywhere agent from control room and then reinstall it. then click on "connect to local device" follow the steps and you will see the device as connected. it works for me hopefully it will work same for you.

I have the same problema, when I run my bot, the ambient show me "conected to in server", after I run my bot, the ambient show me "disconected to in server".

I did that, and not solve.

Same issue here, it would help tremendously if they could show service status anywhere. Instead we're here on a goose chase. Keeps disconnecting for no reason. Tried reinstalling, turning off Firewall, checking local files, anything. There's not even an error code...

Hello All, Please subscribe to the following portal to get updated on scheduled maintenance of A360 Cloud

I am also facing same issue, and also tried reinstallation but not resolve till now. while my internet is Good.Internet Speedconnection status

Thanks, it shows that the unreliable Agent Bot connection is not related to cloud issues.
Did it a dozen times, no luck.

Thank You so much all for your prompt reply on my query.

Thanks Sajith, Its helpful ..

All all may be due to maintenance or application issue it was not worked. But now its start to work.


When Today i login on control room , i got a software policy upgrade msg.

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-12 at 11.31.02 AM. as per attachment.

I was able to solve my problems by going from win11 version to win 10. I believe that AA is incompatible with win 11.
