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I want to take the text that I have and loop it in Excel

  • 22 February 2024
  • 8 replies

I want to disturb those who know. If I want to take the text that I have and loop it in Excel with specified columns, for example from row 2 to column H, what should I do? Circle and enter data for about 15 rows.

8 replies


Can you elaburate your requerment. 

Userlevel 4
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I want to disturb those who know. If I want to take the text that I have and loop it in Excel with specified columns, for example from row 2 to column H, what should I do? Circle and enter data for about 15 rows.

Please share specific requirement, also screenshots, if it is possible.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

make your loop for each row in excel sheet, specific rows from 2 to 15, and save the output to rCurrentRecord variable. then use this record variable to access your column H by index or by your column’s header name

Userlevel 1
Badge +4


I want to take the variable values ​​that I got from one place and loop them into the fields of This DocumentNumber continues down until the end of the available value.

Userlevel 1
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Userlevel 4
Badge +14


I want to take the variable values ​​that I got from one place and loop them into the fields of This DocumentNumber continues down until the end of the available value.

Can you please elaborate

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

I run sap and get 1 document number to replace the variable value. Then I want to take the value of that variable and put it in the row in the Document Number field for each row.

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

after making your loop “for each row in excel advanced or excel if you do not have excel installed” from row 2 to nTotalRows variable “by grabbing get number of rows from excel advanced package and save the output to nTotalRows variable”. then assign the output from the loop to a record variable, let’s call it “rCurrentRecordVariable”. then inside the loop, grab “set cell from excel advanced package”. the question now is which cell?. in your case you need to fill the columns H “DocumentNumber”. then in the cell option of “set cell action” use specific cell and write U$rCurerntRecordVariable[your cell index or by cell name]$. then in the cell value choose your variable value
