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I am trying to kill the edge browser of specific user where we are using multi user.

Hi @divyv ,

Are you saying based on different AA user / browser user?


Also please share the code or some screenshot to support your question.



Hi @Shoeb Shk ,

It is based on different AA user.

I am trying the below code to kill the browser in specific user but it is not working in A360 but it is working in command prompt. 

Any input will be very useful.



Is you edge browser logged in with the specific user which you are trying to close?

Please share the user name example too

Try with: “/F /IM msedge.exe” followed by the username



Hi @Shoeb Shk ,


Yes, it is logged in with specific user. 

Tried the above step it is still not working.

For user example, I used the above code which is in snapshot and replaced %USERNAME% with specific user. 

