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Google drive folder creation

  • 13 February 2024
  • 8 replies

getting this error while creating folder

8 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Are other actions able to fetch the credential? Have you tried hard-coding the credentials for testing purposes?

Userlevel 1
Badge +4

Yes, I was able to use same credentials for open gsheet, only facing issue with creating folder in Google drive

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

I am unable to replicate the issue. I am using credentials stored in the Credential Vault and it works just as well as it did when I had the parameters hard-coded. The error was that the automation was having problems accessing your offline store. I’m confused why hard-coding the credentials would report that error. Is that in the Connect action or the Create Folder action?

Credentials stored in the Credential Vault


Userlevel 4
Badge +14

Are you able to create a connection for Google Drive using the credentials?

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Yes, that’s what’s shown in the screen shot. It runs too.

Userlevel 4
Badge +14

Yes, that’s what’s shown in the screen shot. It runs too.

Not that part @Aaron.Gleason , what I am trying to say is, @manognya.prasad said that the same credentials are working fine for gsheets, so the reason behind is that whether the APIs in the cloud console for gdrive are enabled or not.

Userlevel 4
Badge +7

Sounds about right. My concern was with the Automation Anywhere side of the house. The error message implies that it can’t get to some credentials that are in an offline store. If there are some settings wrong in their Cloud Console, that’s an entirely different matter.

Userlevel 4
Badge +14

@manognya.prasad , any update?
