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Extract Data from an OCR and Create an Excel Sheet

  • 7 June 2023
  • 1 reply



Can an Excel workbook be created using the data extracted by the OCR command from an image? How to do it, if possible? I used Learning Instance but needed to extract data more accurately and speedily. 

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @AhmedMetwally ,


If you are talking about the OCR package in A360, output of extraction will be saved as String and this you can later write to Excel file using Write to Excel action. The same will be involving more number of lines in the code depending on the number fields you want to extract to.

The better approach for you will be to use the Document Automation only. Since you have mentioned that the accuracy is low, may I know more details about the document you tried to extract and the pre-trained model which you choosed to do it?

