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Error on deleting device


I am facing an issue to delete my device from control room . I already uninstalled Agent from my computer. see the screenshot please. Any advice?  😊

15 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hi @Babak 1551 ,


Try the following KB

It also has a link to another KB if the first approach doesn’t work.



Badge +2

Hello Raul Jaimes,

Thank you for the information . The first KB did not work for me because I dont have anything in progress see attachment please., and also i only have default bots.


for second KB , I am kind of new to that ., It says I have to have access to postman  and have admin rights to access API ? What is postman? How can I can get access to those in community edition ? 😊


Thank you 

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @Babak 1551 ,

Could you please check whether the Automation Anywhere Bot Agent service is running or not?
If it is running, please stop that and try deleting the device.


Badge +2

Hello Padmakumar

I stopped agent service as well , but still not able to delete my device. Any other ideas? trying to continue my learning path  in Automation Anywhere but stuck in this very first stage . 😊


Thank you 

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

Hi @Babak 1551 ,

You can try the follow:

1.-Uninstall AABotAgent.

2.-Restart machine

3.-Delete the following directories:

3.1. C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere\Bot Agent

3.2. %ProgramData%\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache\embedded-resources

3.3. C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere

3.4. C:\Program Files\Automation Anywhere

3.5. C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere

3.6. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\AutomationAnywhere

4.-Then reinstall AABotagent.

5.-Add the device 

6.-Try run a bot 




Userlevel 3
Badge +6

dear @Babak 1551,


Based on the information you provided, it sounds like you are trying to delete a device from the control room but are unable to do so because the device is still showing as "active" even though you have already uninstalled the agent software from your computer.

To resolve this issue, you will need to take a few steps:

  1. Verify that the agent software has been completely uninstalled from your computer. This could involve checking the Programs and Features list in Windows, or using a tool like the Agent Uninstaller to completely remove the software and all of its components.

  2. Restart your computer to ensure that any lingering agent processes or services have been terminated.

  3. Once your computer has restarted, try deleting the device from the control room again. This should now be possible, as the device should no longer be considered active.

If you continue to have problems deleting the device, you may need to contact your IT support team for further assistance. They will be able to provide more detailed guidance and troubleshooting steps based on your specific setup and configuration.



Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hi @Babak 1551 ,


If the above-mentioned fixes didn’t work then, kindly try to reset the Device through API call as shown below. Let me know if it worked.



Badge +2

Hello Raul Jaimes

Thank you for your information, but Unfortunatly It did not work . I can not remove my device and can not reconnect my device either. It says this device is already in control room. Any other ideas?  😊



Badge +2

Hello Zaibi

Unfortunatly, I am still not able to remove my device after uninstalling Agent. I am not about what you mean by It support . Does the community edition have It support so I can contact them ? 😊



Badge +2

Hello Padmakumar

Unfortunatly , none of the above-mentioned fixed the issue. How can I open the API call in community edition control room ? 😊



Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hello Padmakumar

Unfortunatly , none of the above-mentioned fixed the issue. How can I open the API call in community edition control room ? 😊



HI @Babak 1551 

Need to use Postman tool for trying out above API call

Badge +2

Hello ChanduMohammad

Thank you . I am not familiar using postman . Do you have any guidance how to use it for trying out above API call ? 😊



Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Hello Padmakumar

Unfortunatly , none of the above-mentioned fixed the issue. How can I open the API call in community edition control room ? 😊



Hi @Babak 1551 ,


Please refer below link to start off with Postman. 


Userlevel 6
Badge +16

Hi @Babak 1551 

Its very easy, checkout below tutorial get get the auth token as first step and follow the above screenshot to get the device reset.


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

@Babak 1551 remove automation anywhere folder under program data or rename this folder will resolve this issue.
