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Cannot connect to my computer, it says unexpected error...

  • 14 December 2021
  • 9 replies

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9 replies

Hi Sonny thanks for your reply. i followed your steps still dont work. There is no device in my CR.Screenshot 2021-12-14 195534

Go to manage>device, delete the local device. Log out CR. Reboot the PC. Then start the process again.


It shouldn't discriminating browsers. Glad it's sorted.

Alright, Sonny,it's working now. I switched from chrome to edge, and now works. So wired. Thanks so much for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As per screen shot, click the Bot running device icon, then click the Connect the local device button. A360 will reconnect with your device.

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Hi @Yuwei Yan​ 


Please check out this link for resolving the above error.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Edge just started being supported for the bot agent installation in .23, there are a few bugs that will be ironed out in .24 for full support. This is only for some control room actions and the bot agent registration though. You can fully use edge in the RPA workspace for building bots.

Hi Tamil, I tried to search 'error' in node manager and see the following but none matched the solution in the link.


2021-Dec-27 Mon 16:25:27.146 ERROR [TokenRefreshService-0] - com.automationanywhere.refresh.token.TokenRefreshServiceImpl - {} - onFailedRefreshAttempt( - attempt 1 refresh failure java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error refreshing user token


2021-Dec-27 Mon 16:25:27.996 ERROR [pool-26-thread-1] - com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.service.impl.GlobalCacheServiceImpl - {} - onFailedDownloadAttempt( - attempt 1 download failure java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error downloading file>


2021-Dec-27 Mon 16:25:27.996 ERROR [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5] - com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.service.impl.GlobalCacheServiceImpl - {} - onFailedDownloadAttempt( - attempt 1 download failure java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error downloading file>


2021-Dec-27 Mon 16:25:27.999 ERROR [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7] - com.automationanywhere.nodemanager.service.impl.GlobalCacheServiceImpl - {} - onFailedDownloadAttempt( - attempt 1 download failure java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error downloading file>


Hi Sonny, this problem happens again. Actually it wasn't solved fully. I put up with uninstall, reboot, reconnect now and then when there is "a unexpected error when connect to device" or keep "notifying my computer" when run bot. Today i asked my company's IT guy try to solve this, I dont know what he did, but now I end up with this problem again and cannt get over with it using my old way which is said above. Would you kindly help? Appreciated!


