Have receive alerts about my disk space and found that C:\ProgramData\Automation Anywhee > 160GB (the bigest one on the server) is normal this folder size?
Server Files is 155 Gb (public\package=153 Gb)
Logs is 1.48 Gb
The total space on the disk is 249 Gb, so the rests of app is just 89Gb.
Jose Marin
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Check your GlobalCache folder. I’ll bet that’s a majority of what you’re seeing.
This folder contains packages cached from running automations. If you haven’t cleaned it out in a while, it can get very big as it will contain old versions of packages and new versions too. You can safely clean out this folder. Just be aware the packages needed will be downloaded and put into this folder as necessary, so the size of this folder after cleaning will grow.
Good morning,
Aaron, thks for your info, but I thing we have anything else.
C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\GlobalCache is 838 Mb only while
C:\ProgramData\AutomationAnywhere\Server Files\public\package is 153 Gb., just as an example here you have some files...
Okay, so this is an on-prem server installation? That’s quite a different story. I would create a support ticket and/or contact your CSM for assistance.
Good morning,
Yes Aaron, it is an on-premise installation,
Thks for your interest and assistance.
José Marin.
Yes, support will be able to do a better job of helping than I can here. I would suspect that a server installation would be quite large, as it must keep all old package versions available for distribution to bot agents.
I might check with your CSM to see if there is a tool that can look through all the bots, check the bot versions, and remove uinneeded versions from your Control Room. If there isn’t one, let me know and maybe I can build one. :)
I am following the sugestion from support, deleting all version of *.jar files.
So I have got the one with the same name +different version,jar and date creation from 2023-2024.
Deleting them manually (previous backup) and see if my bots run as expexted…., then do the same with the next file and so on..
To be honest, it could be a good tool / service and not wait until you get the advise from the OS.
I’ll see if someone already has a tool for this. If not, I’ll see what I can build. I don’t have a time frame for you, so please be patient with me. :)
Don’t you worry, the tool would be a nice to have….