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event Timing

  • 2 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi , 

First of all thanks a lot for this opportunity !

Secondly I am confused with the lessions and events time. Can you please clarify me on that? 
Ps: State: Albania 

1 reply

Userlevel 6
Badge +10

Hi @Erjola ! 


It is so great to connect. I highly recommend taking a lot at the most recent update we added to our event listing:


Highlighted clarifications include - 

  • A weekly update will be shared each Monday outlining the course list and LIVE session link 
  • Coursework is intended to be self-guided and as your schedule allows
    • Note - Each lesson is bite-sized and hands-on & this forum can be used for any questions as you dive in
  • Each Thursday - we will host a LIVE coaching session where we will highlight key takeaways and preview the upcoming week’s lessons 


I am happy to clarify further or answer any additional questions. 

Super excited to have you join! 
