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Generative AI

Level Up Your Customer Service with Automation + Gen AI with our free Solution Pack

Related products: Document Automation Automation Co-Pilot
Level Up Your Customer Service with Automation + Gen AI with our free Solution Pack

Next-generation intelligent automation is rapidly becoming synonymous with generative AI. The value of integrating generative AI into the core capabilities of automation architecture is becoming invaluable to automation programs across the globe. However, as with any emerging technology, smart automators are being careful, methodical, and intentional about gradually and responsibly integrating generative AI to ensure ongoing security compliance, auditability, and maintainability within their organizations.

To offer our customers a reliable first step in their journey to integrate automation and generative AI, we have carefully curated three sets of quick-start solutions that will help drive transformative business impact via employee productivity, customer service, and complex document automation. Today, we want to focus on the leading operational area for improvement across industries: customer service.

Customer service is the heart of customer experience and success. However, the complexity of orchestrating customer solutions across multiple systems is the crux of customer dissatisfaction. According to the latest Customer Management Practice report, agents spend nearly 70% of the case time gathering information from multiple systems (on average, five different systems!) before resolving the tickets, resulting in a frustrating and substandard average handle time (AHT) for both customers and agents.

Before now, the context, semantics, and priority-level of inquiries could not be understood and addressed effectively with existing technology. Now, with Automation Anywhere, automators can responsibly leverage this new technology to accelerate agent productivity and improve customer experience. With the Customer Service Solution Pack, an agent can initiate an AI-powered workflow inside their core work application, such as ServiceNow, SAP, Workday, and more, and streamline their end-to-end process, resulting in a faster resolution, happier customer, and happier employee.

IT Help Desk Scenario

Let us take you through an IT Help Desk L1 triage scenario to demonstrate how masterfully this solution package can optimize a customer service process.

The as-is manual process requires an agent to sift through multiple complaint tickets and support requests in an inbox. The tickets could run the gamut of cases—from hardware or software issues to unique problems outside of what’s readily available in an organization’s knowledge base. All that to say, it’s an extremely time-consuming process for an agent to decipher each ticket, determine the next steps, reference other systems to find a resolution, record the resolution in the ITSM, and finally respond to the customer. Instead, here is how the Customer Service Solution Package cuts a 24-hour process down to less than 5 minutes:

  1. Automation Co-Pilot is embedded into the agent’s primary work application, which for this demo is ServiceNow. The agent will start by initiating an AI-powered ticket processing automation in ServiceNow. Generative AI, in this case, we’re using VertexAI, can translate languages and parse text before handing off the inquiries to an automation.
  2. Automation Co-Pilot then sorts the inquiries and delivers them to the agent for review. The agent reviews the inquiries and makes decisions via Co-Pilot embedded in ServiceNow, and the automation updates records and data across systems.
  3. Finally, generative AI drafts custom response emails to the customers using additional historical customer data. The gen AI can also collate multiple tickets and resolutions from the same customer into one email response. The agent reviews the email and can change the language, tone, etc, before sending off.

Another bonus of using this package is in-depth bot insight reporting. You can understand typical cases by category, language, and more. So much customer service intelligence can be derived in your dashboard!

Here are results we’ve observed from customers utilizing this solution package:

  • 100% reduction in AHT
  • 100% data accuracy
  • Three times increase in ticket processing capacity

Superior service, accuracy, and ability to scale are the exact wins we want to deliver to our customers!

Get Started With This Solution Today

The Customer Service, Employee Productivity, and Complex Document Automation solution packs are available to download now! Once you download a solution package, you can import the source code into your Control Room to provide your automations with the framework to complete these solutions. You’ll receive step-by-step guidance with each package, and you can access community support through Pathfinder, as well as our A+ accelerator service. We also formed a dedicated Gen AI community, which you can join and get connected to our extended network of global automation experts for additional support.

Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us—we’re here to help!

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