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Meet MVP Adam Lynch, Global Program Manager for Agile Solutions at Quadient

  • 2 July 2024
  • 0 replies
Meet MVP Adam Lynch, Global Program Manager for Agile Solutions at Quadient

You’ve seen them quite often around the Pathfinder-verse, heard them speak at events or virtual meetings, maybe even dialogued with them in a forum thread—they’re our Most Valuable Pathfinders! They are the spark keeping the Pathfinder Community ablaze, so it was about time we took a beat to really get to know each one of our MVPs better and share their unique stories with you!

So without further ado, let’s get to know…


Adam Lynch


The Basics

  • Years of Automation Experience: 5 years
  • Current Company: Quadient
  • Official Title: Global Program Manager of Agile Solutions

But this is how Adam would actually describe what he does: For those not in the automation world, I’d say I’m in program management. For those in the automation world, I’d say I’m a bridge between traditional IT and business functions - where technology we can deploy gives benefits back to employees.

  • Biggest Professional Achievement to date: Adam is most proud of the development and success of the internal automation program at Quadient—namely, the people on his team who have persevered through the journey of designing, testing, and delivering automations to the organization. They are his own personal MVPs!


Five Fun Facts

  • If he had a superpower, he’d love the ability to teleport or have a tighter grasp on time passage (Same!)
  • His favorite book to return to time and again is The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck
  • He’s an August baby
  • Of the adventurous things he’s done - skydiving and walking on on hot coals - he hated skydiving the most!
  • If he could travel somewhere new, he’d love to take ample time to visit Polynesia after his kids are grown


Expertise / Specializations


Adam discovered the primitive stages of automation when he began to uncover the possibilities and power of Excel macros. After five years of working in what he would classify as traditional RPA, his drive to develop his professional automation skills further is still thriving. Recently, his learning journey has transported him back to his automation origins of physical process mapping on whiteboards and how that has evolved into the present-day sophisticated technologies known as process and task mining. Adam is keenly aware that these tools are invaluable for guiding him toward the next best automation opportunity. He’s also excited to expand his knowledge of Generative AI, Automation Co-Pilot, and Document Automation.

If Adam had one piece of advice for someone new to automation it would be:

“Balance. Find what works for you and your organization. Knowing your data quality, how stable your infrastructure is, and how robust your processes are will help you balance being risk averse and not waiting too long to remain innovative while building winning automations.”


Adam in the Community


Adam is very much a natural observer. When amongst automation peers, he prefers to sit back and absorb insights from technical experts. However, he acknowledges his business expertise may benefit others in the same way, so he's determined to take a more vocal role in his professional communities. You never know what your experience may spark in others!

Ultimately, Adam hopes that as a new member of the Automation Anywhere MVPs, he can both contribute and gain new lessons and perspectives. He’s eager to see how the MVP Program will grow over the coming years and how he can be a positive addition to the MVP mission.

What’s Next for Adam


For the foreseeable future, Adam is all about task and process mining! He’s leading intentional internal conversations to understand how this new technology can work harmoniously alongside the traditional RPA his team already has in place.

Thank you, Adam, for letting us all get to know you better. And thank you for your continued contributions to our Pathfinder Community!

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