Bot Games Season 2: Auction Sniper Intro

  • 4 April 2022
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10


Challenge Objective


We've all been there: Your heart is set on an item you find in an online auction... you've added 3 reminders on your phone so you don't forget to bid... and then at the very last second... poof! Someone else outbids you with only a second left in the auction. In this challenge, create a bot that is able to place a bid as close to 0 seconds left in the auction as possible to score the best deal! If your bid is placed with too much time left in the auction, you may find that you get outbid, or end up paying more than a bid that is placed right before the auction ends.


Challenge Link:




Go slow to go fast. While most of our challenge pages previously have been about launching a page and going as absolutely fast as possible - this one is different. You'll need to launch the page, and have your bot patiently wait to take its operation. Because the amount of time left in the auction changes every time the page loads, you'll want to make sure your bot is able to appropriately handle a varying amount of time left on the auction.


Sharing Your Results


Once you've successfully completed the challenge, share a screenshot of your results on social using the hashtags #BotGames and tag 3 other RPA developers who you challenge to complete this exercise. We want to celebrate your accomplishment as well, so our social team will be looking for individuals who share their results on social media (and tag/challenge others) throughout the month of April to reward them with limited edition Bot Games swag. So complete each challenge and share your results for each week's challenge to increase your chances of being selected.


Extra Tip: When you complete the challenge, a GUID will show up at the bottom of the results modal. Copy and save the GUID's for your best'll be able to use these later on during Bot Games Season 2!!!




This is a super fun challenge - and one that will for sure hit home for fellow RPA developer sneakerheads. Like all of our challenge pages, there's more than one way to solve this - so even if you get it built, play around with different approaches to see how that impacts the reliability of your bot and the outcomes it can achieve.


Finally, if you tried this challenge and are getting stuck, don't worry! We'll be back on Thursday with a challenge page tutorial session where we'll be doing a full bot build to demonstrate one of the ways to solve this challenge. Best of luck! Go Be Great!


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